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Liz & Jason Holley

Wesley Chapel Performing Arts Center

Nov 12, 20229am - 5pm

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Celebration High School Performing Arts Center

Dec 10, 20229am - 5pm

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Miami, FL

Venue to be determined

Jan 14, 2023 9am - 5pm

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Limitless Purpose is a high-energy day of transformation led with heart by Jason and Liz Holley
  • You can expect to gain clarity and a clear vision for your life.
  • You will feel energized and connected to a renewed sense of purpose.
  • You will diminish feelings of stress, overwhelm, guilt, or just feeling like you are not enough.
  • You will gain specific proven tools to take yourself out of autopilot and live with passion and intention.
  • Together we will map out a plan for success and create new habits that serve you well.
  • You will be challenged to live authentically and take the next best step in your current situation.
  • You will have fun, laugh, and learn to embrace a growth mindset.

This is an event you don’t want to miss; we ask that you wear comfortable clothes and shoes because you will be moving during your time at this event.

Don’t let fear hold you back, be willing to invest in yourself and dare greatly
Join us for a remarkable day and gain the tools that will enable you to up-level any aspect of your life. This event is designed so that you will leave with practical shifts you can implement immediately to create the life you dream of.

We can’t wait to see you at Limitless Purpose.