Opening Session
Meet Liz and Jason and hear some of their story. Why we are here, what to expect,
life and bio hacks for success.
Finding Clarity and Living With Intention
Take a deep dive into your core values and what you want your life to look and feel
like. After you create a clear vision, we will create a cohesive plan of action and
break that vision down into actionable steps.
Goals Vs. Dreams
Evaluate your current life circumstances and tap into that clear vision created in
session one. You will leverage your calendar and create a road map to success.
Habits and Gratitude
This session is all about the practical steps you need to cultivate your fulfilling
dream life. Evaluate your habits and learn new ways to create lasting habits that
serve you well. Create a new routine that fuels your mindset and sets you up for
authentic joy.
Taking Risks and Overcoming Failure
This is a powerful session that slays limiting beliefs and teaches strategies to
overcome the fear of failure. Learn how to take action and stop overthinking. It is
here that you will become aware of and connect to your everlasting grit and potential.
Living with Purpose, Abundance, and Fulfillment
Learn ways to connect to your limitless purpose daily and use your unique gifts to
create a meaningful life no matter what you do.